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电话: 0769-22272105
传真: 0769-23158479
姓名: sunny
Hongtai(HK)Development LTD

  Our company established in 2009 and has the branch factories located in China Mainland which owned more than 100 employees. We are a professional manufacturer for telecom products, including mobile phone accessories, mobile phone cases, tablet PC cases, etc. All of our products are export to all over the world with high reputation in this filed. Since the company established, we kept long and good business relationship with lots of customers from different countries. Our business philosophy i

主要产品/业务: cell phone case; mobile phone case; tablet pc case; e-book case; cell phone cover; mobile phone cover;

Hongtai(HK)Development LTD / 广东 / WanJiang Dongguan Guangdong (523069) / 电话:0769-22272105

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